
Q. 什么是体验式教育?
体验式教育 is providing students the opportunity to participate in the provision of pharmacy services in a real life practice site. Student knowledge and skills build upon each didactic lecture and practice lab and then allow them begin participating in the provision of actual pharmacy practice services.

Q. 体验式教育有哪些不同类型?
体验式教育 is divided into two classifications by the 认证 Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE).

Q. 什么是ippe?
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) are those pharmacy practice experiences that enable students to build their required ability based outcomes from novice to mastery during their APPEs. IPPEs prepare students to actively participate in wide range of pharmacy services under the supervision of a preceptor / mentor. 他们将能够从理论到实践.

The ACPE requires a minimum of 300 hours of IPPE hours during a pharmacy student’s first three professional years (P1, P2, P3). 十大网赌正规网址's Pharmacy Program is building a program with strong experiential training as described:

  1. IPPE I社区136小时
  2. 二级机构/医院160小时

Q. IPPE轮换是如何设计的?
在他们职业生涯的前两年(P1 + P2), 曼彻斯特 Pharmacy students will complete a two-week intensive (focus) learning experience in a targeted practice setting with specific outcomes needed between the fall and spring semesters. This two week focused training will be followed by a longitudinal four hour per week experience (P1).

  • IPPE I社区药剂学(PHRM 370) (P1)(140学时)

    • 两周重点社区药房体验(大一1月)
    • Longitudinal four hours per week community pharmacy experience scheduled either Tuesday or Thursday in afternoon (same pharmacy the two-week focus training occurred)

    IPPE II机构/医院药剂学PHRM 471 (P2)(160学时)

    • Four week focus institutional or hospital pharmacy experience (January or June P2 Year)

Q. What national certifications are being designed into 曼彻斯特’s curriculum to prepare students for APPEs?
通过高级临床技能课程, 曼彻斯特 Pharmacy students will complete certification requirements in CPR and Immunizations (APhA).

Q. 什么是APPE旋转?
. APPEs (Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences) are designed for students to actively participate in the provision of pharmacy services during a variety of core and elective rotations during their fourth and final professional year (P4). 这些轮岗将建立在教学学习的基础上, 实验室, and introductory experiences to help each student master knowledge and skills that will allow them to become competent pharmacy practitioners. 每个轮岗年从6月开始,到次年4月结束.

Q. 不同的核心应用程序有哪些?需要多少个?
A series of core APPE rotations are required for each student during their P4 year.

  • 高级社区药房经验
  • 具有高级医院/机构药房工作经验
  • 急症护理经历
  • 门诊护理经验

Q. 有哪些选修的实习轮转的例子?需要多少次?
每个P4学生将完成四门选修课程. Elective rotations are intended to introduce students to the variety of pharmacy career opportunities that await them and to allow them to focus their APPEs in their individual areas of interest. 这些选修课可能包括额外的核心轮转. 例如:急诊医学, 急救护理, 传染性疾病, 核药学, 管理式医疗, 药物基因组学, 肿瘤学, 儿科, 研究, 国家和国家组织领导, 行业, 毒品政策, 企业管理

Q. What are some examples of expected activities during the experiential education rotations?
每次轮换都带有体验, objectives and outcomes specific to the year of the student’s active participation in the program. Earlier experiences will focus on the mechanics of pharmacy operations including utilizing the latest technology, 库存管理/采购, 保险责任范围, 处方的法律要求, 管制药物管理, 准确、安全地处理处方, 提供药物信息和患者咨询. Later experiences will prepare students to actively participate in all aspects of medication therapy management.

Q. 学生如何选择旋转?
在每个轮换年度开始之前, preceptors will be contacted to identify the types and availability of pharmacy rotations. Descriptions will be submitted by preceptor / site and provided electronically to students.

十大网赌正规网址  hosts a Preceptor Showcase where preceptors and students are able to discuss potential rotations. This event provides an opportunity for preceptors to share with students what rotations are available at their sites and what activities are included in these rotations.

然后学生们回顾导师名单, 旋转的描述, 以及可供曼彻斯特学生使用的轮转场地. 学生优先选择每个必修和选修轮转. The rotations are then assigned to the students using a software system that incorporates student preferences with rotation availability/capacity.

Q. 成为一名导师的一般要求是什么?
这取决于不同的技能, 兴趣和培训的导师和具体轮岗.
曼彻斯特有各种各样的领班培训. Standardized preceptor training modules developed by 十大网赌正规网址 are utilized to ensure preceptor comfort, 一致性和基线能力. 提供持续的沟通和导师指导/支持.

Preceptors need to meet with students on a regular basis to ensure rotation goals/objectives/expectations are met. Time with students varies with each site depending on preceptor availability/rotation service requirements and student needs. Sites and preceptors are expected to provide opportunities for students to actively participate in patient care activities and to challenge them to perform at new levels. Preceptors are also expected to evaluate the student online and follow the grading and content requirements for students on rotation.

体验教育署负责实地考察, reviews student evaluations of preceptors and sites as well as preceptor evaluations of students, 作为我们持续评估计划的一部分,以确保质量, 实现确定的基于能力的结果, 促进最佳沟通和持续反馈, 并找出改进的机会.

Q. 我如何申请到曼彻斯特预科学生?
你可能 在线申请 作为导师或轮岗协调员.  使用机构代码:mupreceptor. Someone from 曼彻斯特’s 体验式教育 department will get back to you shortly thereafter.

而导师通常是提前一年选出的, 有时候曼联需要在赛季中要求轮换.

Each site must also sign an affiliation agreement / contract with 十大网赌正规网址.

Q. 我可以在十大网赌正规网址药学课程联系谁?